As the demand for electric cars continues to grow, companies like Sony are at the forefront of developing new and innovative technologies for the market.

In recent years, Sony made a name for itself with its line of electric cars, which offer a range of features designed to make driving more convenient, efficient, and environmentally friendly.

The Sony Electric Smart Car
The Sony Electric Smart Car

What can we expect from the next generation of Sony electric vehicles?

Here are seven new features to look out for:

Some Key Features Of The Sony Electric Car

Advanced Navigation

The technologies expected from Sony Electric cars are likely to offer advanced navigation systems that can help you get where you need to go more efficiently.

This includes features like real-time traffic updates, alternative route suggestions, and even the ability to plan your route based on the availability of charging stations.

Advanced Navigation Feature on Smart Cars

Voice Control

Just like with smartwatches, voice control is a convenient feature that allows you to access information and control your car’s functions with simple voice commands.

These cars are likely to offer this feature, allowing you to stay focused on the road while still being able to access the information you need.

Mobile Payments

Mobile Payments For Smart Electric Cars
Hand Holding The Phone With Mobile Wallet To Pay Online At Electric Car Charging Station.

As mobile payment systems like Apple Pay and Google Pay become more widespread, it’s only a matter of time before they are incorporated into electric cars.

With Sony’s electric cars, you would be able to make purchases simply by using your phone or even your voice.

Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri can be a great help when you’re on the road, allowing you to access information, make phone calls, and control your car’s functions without taking your hands off the wheel.

We can expect to see this feature in Sony’s electric vehicles in the future.


Enhanced Charging Capabilities

One of the main concerns about EVs is their limited range and the need to stop and charge the battery frequently.

Charging An Electric Car
EV Charging Station For Electric Car

Sony is likely to address this issue with its next generation of electric cars, offering enhanced charging capabilities that can get you back on the road more quickly.

Advanced Safety Features

Safety is always a top priority when it comes to vehicles, and Sony’s electric cars are likely to offer a range of advanced safety features and parts.

This could include things like automatic emergency braking, lane departure warning, and blind spot monitoring.

Smart Home Integration


As smart home technology becomes more prevalent, electric cars need to be able to connect to a wide range of devices.

The electric cars made by Sony are likely to offer advanced connectivity features, allowing them to connect to everything from smart thermostats to security cameras.

Overall, these are just a few of the many exciting tech features we can expect from the next generation of electric cars.

As big companies continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible, it’s exciting to see what the future holds for EVs.

Whether you’re an environmentally conscious driver or just someone who wants to stay connected on the road, Sony’s electric cars are sure to have something for you.

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